The Advisory Panel (AP) is composed of external members and approved by both the Project Officer and the Governing Board (GB), based on their expertise in the fields of activity relevant to the project. The AP is responsible for advising the GB on technical and strategic matters with a focus on exploitation, and providing an independent assessment and feedback concerning the advancement of the project.
Agency representative:
- Alessandra Costantino Mucio
Components Test Facilities Engineer, ESA/ESTEC
Facility representative:
- Mike Sivertz
Principal Investigator, NSRL/BNL
Scientific representatives:
- Patrícia Gonçalves
Associate Professor, University of Lisbon - Françoise Bezerra
Space Radiation Expert, CNES
Industry representatives:
- Stefan Metzger
Head of Department Nuclear and Electromagnetic Effects, Fraunhofer INT - Gilles Gasiot
Principal Engineer, STMicroelectronics