Work Package 1

Project management

Rubén García Alía
Project Leader, WP Leader
Pablo Federico Lopez
Project Assistant
Cloé Levointurier-Vajda
Administrative Support
Sabrina El Yacoubi
Administrative Support
Barbara Rusconi
Mandy Stewart
Legal Service
Julia Heilemann
Legal Service
Andreas Waets
Scientific Secretary
Thomas Brent


As lead beneficiary, CERN, through the HEARTS Project Management Office, takes the charge of ensuring the efficient steering and management of the project throughout its duration with the aim of supervising and coordinating the scientific and technical progress of the different Work Packages. In addition, it takes care of the contractual and administrative implementation and keeps track of the use of resources. It supervises the preparation of periodic and final project reports to the European Commission as well as the arrangement of the project annual meetings. It also takes over the coordination of beam access for users throughout the project and until the frameworks established in WP7-8 are defined.


  • Task 1.1: Project management and coordination (CERN, month 1-48)


  • D1.1: Assessment of high-energy heavy ion operation in CHARM during CERN proton physics periods


  • M1: Consortium agreement signed
  • M2: HEARTS kick-off meeting
  • M3: Forming of official bodies required by governance
  • M4: Appointment of the Advisory Panel
  • M5: 1st HEARTS annual meeting and interim technical review
  • M6: 2nd HEARTS annual meeting and interim technical review
  • M7: 3rd HEARTS annual meeting and interim technical review
  • M8: HEARTS final meeting
Please use this open-access publication to reference the HEARTS project:

R. García Alía et al., "The HEARTS EU Project and its Initial Results on Fragmented High-Energy Heavy Ion Single Event Effects Testing", in IEEE TNS, doi:10.1109/TNS.2025.3530502.

The HEARTS project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101082402, through the Space Work Programme of the European Commission.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.