Work Package 9

Tools and instruments for standardized dosimetry and user experimentation

Miha Vitorovič
WP Leader
Domen Soklič
Polina Pipp
Klemen Novak


Enhancing the user experimentation capabilities by providing direct user control over beam parameters that can affect test outcomes can enable users to extract the best possible data and make an optimal use of their beam time. Finally, getting in touch with a user-friendly tool that allow users to keep track of the lifecycle of their proposed experiments will enable exploitation for the whole industry.


  • Task 9.1: User interface tool for experimentation (Cosylab, month 16-41)
  • Task 9.2: User experiment lifecycle interface (Cosylab, month 33-48)


  • D9.1: User interface tool for beam experimentation
  • D9.2: User experiment lifecycle interface deployment


  • M14: Achievement of TRL6-7 for electronics testing at the CHARM facility
  • M15: Achievement of TRL6-7 for electronics testing at GSI
  • M19: Achievement of TRL6-7 for the SIS18 GCR/SPE simulator
Please use this open-access publication to reference the HEARTS project:

R. García Alía et al., "The HEARTS EU Project and its Initial Results on Fragmented High-Energy Heavy Ion Single Event Effects Testing", in IEEE TNS, doi:10.1109/TNS.2025.3530502.

The HEARTS project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101082402, through the Space Work Programme of the European Commission.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.