Ulrich Weber
WP Leader

Tim Wagner

Christoph Schuy

Ádám László Gera

Natalia Emriskova

Andreas Waets
Streamlined and efficient access to the accelerator facility, especially for industrial partners, requires a precise standardisation of the beam instrumentation in terms of beam delivery, online monitoring, target station remote controlling and dosimetry. In this WP we will define and calibrate the beam delivery sensors at GSI and CERN for both material shielding and microelectronics. Dosimetry activity will include both monoenergetic ions and the full GCR spectrum characterisation.
- Task 4.1: Knowledge transfer between CERN and GSI (CERN, GSI, month 1-12)
- Task 4.2: Calibration of beam instrumentation for VHE ion beam extraction (CERN, month 1-24)
- Task 4.3: Beam delivery monitoring (GSI, month 12-36)
- Task 4.4: Target station (GSI, month 12-36)
- Task 4.5: GCR/SPE simulator dosimetry (GSI, month 24-36)
- Task 4.6: Intercomparison between CERN and GSI (CERN, GSI, month 24-48)
- D4.1: Beam instrumentation for high-energy low intensity heavy ion beam characterization
- D4.2: Calibrated CERN beam instrumentation documented and installed in the accelerator
- D4.3: Experimental measurements on GSI beam instrumentation and dosimetry
- D4.4: Documentation on the target station construction and use
- D4.5: Report on microdosimetry for GCR/SPE simulator calibration
- D4.6: Intercomparison between CERN and GSI instrumentation and standardisation