
Milestone Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Due Date Status
M01 Consortium agreement signed WP1 CERN 2023-01-31 Achieved
M02 HEARTS kick-off meeting WP1 CERN 2023-02-28 Achieved
M03 Forming of official bodies required by governance WP1 CERN 2023-03-31 Achieved
M04 Appointment of the Advisory Panel WP1 CERN 2023-06-30 Achieved
M05 1st HEARTS annual meeting and interim technical review WP1 CERN 2023-12-31 Achieved
M06 2nd HEARTS annual meeting and interim technical review WP1 CERN 2025-02-28 Achieved
M07 3rd HEARTS annual meeting and interim technical review WP1 CERN 2026-03-31 Pending
M08 HEARTS final meeting WP1 CERN 2026-12-31 Pending
M09 Project website launched, with update and maintenance plan WP2 CERN 2023-02-28 Achieved
M10 Project social media launched WP2 CERN 2023-03-31 Achieved
M11 Release of G4SEE VHE ion tool WP3 CERN 2024-12-31 Achieved
M12 CERN beam instrumentation and dosimetry installed and running WP4 CERN 2024-12-31 Achieved
M13 GSI beam instrumentation and dosimetry installed and running WP4 GSI 2025-12-31 Pending
M14 Achievement of TRL6-7 for electronics testing at the CHARM facility WP5, WP9 CERN 2026-05-31 Pending
M15 Achievement of TRL6-7 for electronics testing at GSI WP5, WP9 GSI 2026-05-31 Pending
M16 First-time heavy ion SEE qualification of highly-integrated electronic devices in Europe WP5 UNIPD 2026-12-31 Pending
M17 Release of guideline for SEE testing with VHE ion beams WP5 UNIPD 2026-12-31 Pending
M18 First experimental demonstration of dose increase behind thick shields in Europe WP6 GSI 2025-12-31 Pending
M19 Achievement of TRL6-7 for the SIS18 GCR/SPE simulator WP6, WP9 GSI 2026-05-31 Pending
M20 First external users at CHARM WP7 CERN 2024-12-31 Achieved
M21 Routine access for external users at CHARM WP7 CERN 2026-12-31 Pending
M22 Routine access for external users at FAIR GCR/SPE simulator WP8 GSI 2026-12-31 Pending
M23 First test at FAIR GCR/SPE simulator WP8 GSI 2026-12-31 Pending
Please use this open-access publication to reference the HEARTS project:

R. García Alía et al., "The HEARTS EU Project and its Initial Results on Fragmented High-Energy Heavy Ion Single Event Effects Testing", in IEEE TNS, doi:10.1109/TNS.2025.3530502.

The HEARTS project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101082402, through the Space Work Programme of the European Commission.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.